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SGM Holds Sixth Headquarters Leaders Conference


03 Dec. 2023


On 3 December 2023, the sixth SGM Headquarters Leaders Conference took place at the SGM Culture Centre, attended by some 900 central leaders from across the country.

SGM General Director Koh Sia Feai delivered the report on SGM activities for the second half of 2023, including summaries on shakubuku initiatives, New Human Revolution Morning Sharing session, contribution and financial status. He later emphasised that the greatness of a mentor is proven through the actions of successors, encouraging everyone to stand up with the spirit of oneness of mentor and disciple and spread hope in society.

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Soka International School Malaysia principal Dr Wendy Yee spoke about students’ growth and positive feedback from parents.

Representing the SGM Exco, Chan Yin Kwan reported on an interview with SGM pioneer members, Johnny Ng provided updates on the SGM memorial park and columbarium project, while Chia Kok Peng shared information regarding the conferment of an honorary doctorate upon President Ikeda by New Era University College in August 2023, the publication of Zouxiang renben zhuyi yu heping zhidao (Towards the Path of Humanism and Peace) and the change of Flow from a bimonthly publication into a monthly publication, among other updates.

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During the conference, appointments of new leaders were announced and a video of President Ikeda giving guidance was played. The Young Mister Group presented the “Song of Human Revolution,” expressing their vows to dedicate their lives to the great path of mentor and disciple.

SGM young men’s division leader Chang Chung Bin and young women’s division leader Lee Kam Yit pledged to make an all-out effort in achieving the SGM shakubuku target by year-end and to march proudly towards 2024, the Year of Fresh Departure for a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide.
