The “Seeds of Hope and Action” (SOHA) exhibition stresses our interconnectedness with the rest of the community of life and the need to broaden our sphere of compassion. It encourages viewers to overcome feelings of powerlessness and highlights the fact that a single individual can initiate positive change.
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Seeds of Hope and Action by COSMIC Editorial Board
SOHA is an updated version of the “Seeds of Hope: Visions of sustainability, steps towards change” (SOH) exhibition created in 2010 to mark the 10th anniversary of the Earth Charter. This 25-panel exhibition also introduces a positive vision for sustainable living that can contribute to the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It introduces the actions of individuals from several continents that demonstrate how the power of one can bring change.
SGM has shown SOH in hundreds of venues in Malaysia since 2012, and will continue to promote SOHA.

A Quiet Revolution
Three case studies of how individuals in India, Slovakia and Kenya have contributed to solving local environmental problems.

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