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About Us

Who is Daisaku Ikeda and his role

Daisaku Ikeda is the third president of the Soka Gakkai and founding president of Soka Gakkai International, an international association of the Soka Gakkai. He is one of the founding presidents of the Soka Gakkai, alongside Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and Josei Toda.

He has written numerous essays, articles, and books on the Buddhist philosophy of Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra to inspire and encourage the members of the Soka Gakkai around the world. Many Soka Gakkai members view Daisaku Ikeda as their mentor due to the depth of his understanding of Nichiren Buddhism, and his efforts to encourage others to become empowered through Buddhist philosophy and practice.

Daisaku Ikeda is a peacebuilder, Buddhist philosopher, educator, author, and poet. He is the founder of several international institutions promoting peace, culture and education, and has dedicated himself to bolstering the foundations of a lasting culture of peace.

What is SGM?

Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) is a Malaysian Buddhist organisation that is a part of the Soka Gakkai, a worldwide grassroots Buddhist movement. “Soka” stands for “value creation,” and SGM aims to promote humanistic values in Malaysian society through promoting values that uphold respect for the dignity of life. SGM members come from all walks of society and strive to realise their inherent potential while confronting the challenges of daily life. They endeavor to promote dialogue and harmonious coexistence based on the awareness that each life is infinitely precious.


How does chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo help?

The essence of Nichiren Buddhism is the conviction that we have within us at all times the ability to surmount even great suffering. This power, inherent in the depths of our lives, is the function of the fundamental Law or principle that underlies the workings of all life and the universe. Nichiren Daishonin named this law “Nam-myoho-renge-kyo” and developed a concrete practice based on the Lotus Sutra that enables all individuals to manifest the power of this law in their lives.

How do we practice

What is Nichiren Buddhism?

Soka Gakkai and SGM members put into practice the teachings of Nichiren Buddhism, a dynamic philosophy grounded in the realities of daily life. Nichiren Buddhism is based on the Mahayana scriptures and the Lotus Sutra in particular, which is one of the last teachings of Gautama Buddha.
Nichiren, a 13th century Buddhist monk demonstrated that the core message of Lotus Sutra is the dignity of all life and that every individual has the potential to transform any situation and create value from it.

Buddhism in Society

How does SGM respect different faiths and cultures in Malaysia?

SGM respects religious and cultural diversity and encourages its members to be responsible citizens in their respective communities. Based on its Buddhist philosophy, SGM respects other religions, and members strive to engage in interfaith activities and cooperation with the belief that faith groups need to find common ground and work together to resolve the complex issues facing humanity.

How does SGM contribute to society?

SGM actively promotes peace, culture, and education based on the belief in human potential and respect for the dignity of life. Members apply the practice and philosophy of Buddhism towards resolving the challenges that human beings and society face. The organisation is active in public education with a focus on peace and nuclear disarmament, human rights, and sustainable development, as well as providing humanitarian assistance in response to natural disasters and participating in interfaith activities.

Contacting SGM

Click here for information and contact details of SGM state culture centres

If you are currently not a Soka Gakkai member but are interested to find out more about the Buddhist practice or if you have introduced a friend and would like to connect them to the local organisation

Please contact the SGM national headquarters for assistance.
Click here if you have other enquiries.

What should I do if I am a Soka Gakkai member from another country and am planning to either move to or visit Malaysia?

Please contact the national headquarters of the Soka Gakkai organisation to which you currently belong well in advance so that they can issue you a letter of introduction and provide you with contact details as appropriate.

If you have already moved or reached your travel destination, please contact your originating Soka Gakkai organisation for assistance.
