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“Seeds of Hope and Action: Making the SDGs a Reality” Exhibition


01 Apr. 2023


seeds of hope and actionIn conjunction with Earth Day 2023, Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) will organise the “Seeds of Hope and Action: Making the SDGs a Reality” (SOHA) peace exhibition from April 1 to 16 at SGM Culture Centre, Cheras. The exhibition will be officiated by YB Yeo Bee Yin, former Minister of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change, on April 1 at 3pm.

This 25-panel SOHA exhibition stresses our interconnectedness with all life forms and presents a positive vision for sustainable living that can contribute to the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Using the formula of “Inspire, Learn, Reflect, Empower, Act & Lead,” the exhibition encourages viewers to take action and overcome feelings of powerlessness by highlighting that one person can make a difference.

The “Inspire” section showcases interconnectedness with inspiring quotes from various spiritual and faith traditions, while the “Learn” and “Reflect” sections invite viewers to examine humanity’s challenges and their root causes.

The “Empower” section features panels portraying six individuals from South Sudan to Lebanon and Brazil who have transformed their own lives and their communities through a single action. The final “Act and Lead” section provides information on the actions individuals can take to contribute to a peaceful and sustainable world.

Prior to this, from 2005 to 2010, SGM organised the “Seeds of Change: The Earth Charter and Human Potential” exhibition which attracted more than 75,000 visitors across the nation. In 2010, the “Seeds of Hope: Visions of sustainability, steps toward change” exhibition was launched and was displayed in over 250 venues nationwide, including schools, universities, and community spaces, with more than 194,000 visitors.

 sdgs programmesThe “Seeds of Hope and Action: Making the SDGs a Reality” exhibition will be open from 11am to 5pm daily, and groups of more than 10 people must make prior appointment. Admission is free, and all are welcome to attend.

In conjunction with the SOHA exhibition, SGM KL Branch is co-organising a blood donation drive with the Lions Club of Kuala Lumpur North on April 2, 10am-4pm. Additionally, SGM has partnered with “Kloth Circularity,” the first fabric recycling campaign organisation in Malaysia to set up a “Kloth Cares Bin” at the centre from April 1-June 30. On April 16 at 3pm, Adelyn Ghwee from Kloth Circularity will deliver a talk titled “Keep Fabrics Out of the Landfills.”

Seeds of Hope and Action: Making the SDGs a Reality” Exhibition
Opening Ceremony
Date : April 1, 2023 (Saturday)
Time : 3pm
Guest of Honour: YB Yeo Bee Yin, Former Minister of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change

Exhibition Period
Date : April 1 – 16
Time : 11am – 5pm (Prior appointment is required for groups of more than 10 people)
Venue : Chang Feng Hall, SGM Culture Centre (Lot 960, KM14, Batu 9, Cheras, 43200 Selangor.)
WhatsApp: 011-5789 1096

