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Kisah Kaneko: A Life Story of Hope, Resilience and Peace
SGM Holds the Official Launch of the Malay Edition of Kaneko’s Story & SGM Art Collection Exhibition: Blossom of Hope


06 Apr. 2024


On April 6, Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) successfully organised the official launch of the Malay edition of Kaneko’s Story – ‘Kisah Kaneko’ alongside the captivating SGM Art Collection Exhibition: Blossom of Hope. The ceremony, graced by the esteemed presence of Her Highness Dato’ Seri DiRaja Tan Sri Tunku Puteri Intan Safinaz binti Almarhum Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah, Tunku Temenggong Kedah, was a poignant celebration of hope, resilience and peace.

‘Kisah Kaneko’ chronicles the life experiences of Kaneko Ikeda, wife of the late Soka Gakkai International President Dr Daisaku Ikeda. Her story intricately weaves through the roles of a devoted wife, loving mother and unstinting supporter of a leader of a worldwide peace movement.

2024 Kisah Kaneko

Translated by the eminent linguist and academician, Professor Emeritus Dato’ Dr Asmah Haji Omar, this Malay edition of the book, published by the Federation of National Writers Association of Malaysia (GAPENA), marks its translation into the 11th language. “I have no words to describe such an outstanding personality,” said the translator while encouraging readers to explore Kaneko’s remarkable qualities further within the book.

In her address, Her Highness Tunku Temenggong Kedah emphasised that Kaneko’s Story transcends mere narration — it is a potent testament to the resilience and spirit of a woman. Deeply moved by Kaneko’s unwavering resolve of never being defeated, Her Highness underscored how Kaneko’s determination and dedication to peace have left an indelible mark on the world. She also commended SGM for playing an active role in promoting peace and nuclear disarmament alongside other NGOs, including the Malaysian Red Crescent Society, an organisation of which she is serving as the current chairperson.

2024 Kisah KanekoSpeech by Professor Emeritus Dato’ Dr Asmah Haji Omar, translator of the book Kisah Kaneko 2024 Kisah Kaneko Officiating Speech by Yang Teramat Mulia Dato’ Seri DiRaja Tan Sri Tunku Puteri Intan Safinaz, Tunku Temenggong Kedah

Ms Kimiko Nagaishi, Soka Gakkai Women’s Leader from Japan, shared that the book was first published in Japan in 2005 and has since touched the hearts of millions. She recounted how countless women, including herself, have drawn strength and inspiration from Kaneko’s life. Central to Kaneko’s story is her unwavering faith and the warmth and empathy that radiate through her enduring smile, regardless of rain or shine. Dr Daisaku Ikeda once remarked, “If I were to give my wife a certificate of appreciation, it would be in the form of a Smile Award.”

“Through this book, we hope that Kaneko Ikeda’s life experiences will serve as a source of inspiration for readers. I believe that her story will resonate with individuals from all walks of life, inspiring them to strive towards creating a more compassionate and inclusive world,” said GAPENA President Datuk Zainal Haji Abidin.

20240406 kisah kanekoSpeech by Soka Gakkai Women’s Leader, Ms Kimiko Nagaishi 20240406 kisah kaneko Speech by GAPENA President, Datuk Zainal Haji Abidin

SGM General Director Koh Sia Feai extended gratitude to GAPENA and Prof. Emeritus Dato’ Dr Asmah for their tremendous support towards the publication of ‘Kisah Kaneko.’ He recounted that, in 2007, during a ceremony held at the National Orchid Garden in Singapore to celebrate Kaneko Ikeda’s 75 th birthday, a new Orchid hybrid was named Dendrobium Kaneko Ikeda, acknowledging her steadfast dedication to world peace. Much like Kaneko herself, this orchid, depicted on the book cover of ‘Kisah Kaneko,’ embodies resilience and hope, flourishing amidst life’s trials.

In parallel with the book launch, the SGM Art Collection Exhibition: Blossom of Hope mesmerised visitors with its vibrant display of artworks, centred around the theme of hope and renewal. The exhibition, featuring flowers as its primary subject, unveiled a rich tapestry of artistic styles and perspectives on nature and life.

20240406 kisah kanekoWelcoming Remarks by SGM General Director Koh Sia Feai 20240406 blossom of hope YTM Tunku Temenggong Kedah visiting SGM Art Collection Exhibition: Blossom of Hope

“Through this exhibition of masterpieces, we aim to deepen appreciation for the fusion of art and life, particularly in the aftermath of the pandemic, and instill a renewed sense of joy and unwavering hope through the floral exhibits,” said Koh.

The Blossom of Hope exhibition will be open until April 14, from 11am to 5pm daily, except Mondays. For more information about the exhibition, please visit the “Harmoni: Soka Art & Culture” website.
