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Run for Peace is back!
More than 11,000 Peace Lovers to Run in Klang Valley this July


23 Jun. 2023


(Klang Valley, June 22) After enduring the hardships of the pandemic for three years, Run for Peace (RFP), the non-competitive fun run organised by Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) is now back!

This July, more than 55,000 like-minded individuals will participate in Run for Peace 2023 at 23 locations nationwide, organised by SGM with the aim of fostering a culture of peace in the community and also promoting the sustainability of the planet, with a focus on the United Nations  Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Run for Peace 2023

In line with SDG 17 – “Partnerships for the Goals,” SGM is collaborating with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, as well as local councils, institutions and organisations in various states in organising the run this year. In Klang Valley, the run will be held with joint efforts by the Klang Municipal Council and International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) at 2 locations— Padang Besar Taman Klang Jaya (Ikeda Peace Park) (July 2) and IIUM Gombak (July 9). The route distance is 8km and 3.5km respectively.

The Run for Peace is a biennial event held by SGM since 2005, and to date, more than 360,000 peace lovers had participated in the run. The key objective of Run for Peace is to promote the belief that “Peace starts with me!”, emphasising that positive change begins with each individual. This message empowers participants and reminds them that their actions can contribute to creating harmony and peace in their communities, societies, countries, and the world as a whole.

Run for Peace 2023

The Run for Peace is inspired by the philosophy and ideals of Soka Gakkai International (SGI) President, Dr Daisaku Ikeda, who has been submitting annual peace proposals to the United Nations since 1983. In 1957, his mentor, Mr Josei Toda, called for the youth to work towards abolishing nuclear weapons from the world. This moment marked the beginning of the SGI’s peace movement.

While we continue our endeavour for a world without nuclear weapons, this year’s Run for Peace will adopt a broader theme of peace with sustainability of the planet, using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a focus. The spirit of Run for Peace is encapsulated in the SDGs which provide “a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.” This year, an additional slogan is introduced where we encourage everyone to “ActNOW for SDGs!

Run for Peace 2023

It is time to take action and protect our planet for generations to come. From reducing waste to supporting local eco-friendly events, each small step we take can make a huge difference.

The organiser would like to urge people from all walks of life, particularly young people, to come together to run for peace and the SDGs, and harmoniously unite towards developing a peaceful and a more sustainable future together!

For more information, kindly visit:
Run for Peace official website
Run for Peace Facebook page
Run for Peace Instagram page
