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SGM Hold the 5th SGM Headquarters Leaders Conference
cum May 3 Soka Gakkai Day Commemorative Meeting


28 May. 2023


On 28 May, the 5th SGM Headquarters Leaders Conference cum 3 May Soka Gakkai Day Commemorative Meeting was held at the SGM Culture Centre, with 862 region and above leaders in attendance. The recently renovated Ikeda Peace Auditorium, which has received the Certificate of Completion and Compliance, reverberated with the resonant voice of gongyo and daimoku, embodying the spirit of oneness of mentor and disciple.

SGM Hold the 5th SGM Headquarters Leaders Conference

SGM youth division leader Andrew Looi read President Ikeda’s congratulatory message and passionately emphasised key points, urging everyone to “Fill our lives with powerful life force like the rising morning sun,” “Impart heartfelt encouragement to the person standing before us,” “Seek out and create one true comrade after another” and concluded the message with “Let us initiate a new triumphant advancement together!”

During the conference which symbolised a new departure, a commemorative video on the completion of the SGM Culture Centre and President Ikeda’s first visit to Malaysia 35 years ago was shown. New leader appointments were also announced. Additionally the SGM Golden Age Group and youth division presented performances that uplifted the spirits of the attendees.

SGM Hold the 5th SGM Headquarters Leaders Conference         SGM Hold the 5th SGM Headquarters Leaders Conference

General Director Koh Sia Feai, vice-general directors Michael Kok and Johnny Ng presented half-yearly reports which included matters such as shakubuku, gokuyo, Soka International School Malaysia, Yayasan SGM, memorial park and columbarium.

SGM young men’s division leader Chang Chung Bin and young women’s division leader Lee Kam Yit delivered activity reports for the second quarter. Mr Koh later conducted a study to highlight the importance of rising up courageously with a stand-alone spirit, much like Nichiren Daishonin and the three presidents of Soka Gakkai. He encouraged the participants to exert their best effort in their respective roles and make 2023 a year adorned with triumphs.

SGM Hold the 5th SGM Headquarters Leaders Conference

On 27 May, a training was conducted for region and above leaders. In small groups, the participants discussed topics such as utilising SGM publications, cultivating enthusiasm for kosen-rufu, fostering youth and practising compassion. SGM men’s division leader Dr Christopher Boey Chiong Meng concluded the training by encouraging everyone to be wise and passionate, living a truly fulfilling life with fellow members.
