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SGM Golden Age Group Holds Online Commemorative Meeting


02 Jun. 2020


June 2 is the day when the late former SGM General Director Koe Teng Hong established the SGM Golden Age group. SGM members aged 60 years and above are members of this group. This year, group members took their seeking spirit online, not retreating a single step, and held commemorative meetings in their respective areas with the help of technology. 

Negeri Sembilan, Sarawak and the Eastern Area held the meeting on June 2. The participants studied the significance of the group and its motto, and looking towards the future, they were determined to dedicate themselves to kosen-rufu.

Hor Ng Moi, Cheok Hong and Wong Sok Ha from Negeri Sembilan shared their impressions. Ng Moi, who continued encouraging members through phone calls, and other members, were able to experience the revitalising power of daimoku. That meeting was further enlightened by a harmonica performance as well.

In Sarawak, Doris Koh Pue Kiang, Alice Khoo and Sim Kiok Boon shared their impressions. Among them, Doris has overcome her health problems through chanting daimoku and studying SGI President Ikeda’s guidance. She was able to complete her daily chores joyfully with a heart full of gratitude.

Both the above meetings used the “Shared Struggle” chapter of The New Human Revolution to learn how to live a fulfilling life as senior citizens. 

Meanwhile, in the Eastern Area, representatives from Pahang, Kelantan and Terengganu shared their experiences on overcoming the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic through chanting abundant daimoku.

SGM General Director Koh Sia Feai encouraged the members, saying that there is no retirement in faith and practice, and that they can still accomplish great achievements even at the golden age stage. The members were determined to never slack in faith and continue creating value in their lives. 
