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SGM Collaborates with Medical University for EYT Exhibition


16 Feb. 2017


From February 14 to 16, 2016, SGM teamed up with International Medical University (IMU), Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur to hold the "Everything You Treasure − For a World Free from Nuclear Weapons" (EYT) exhibition at the atrium of the university. Seventeen students of the university volunteered as narrators of the exhibition and around 300 persons viewed it.

Organised by IMU Eco Friends Club, the exhibition was jointly-created by Soka Gakkai International (SGI) and the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). The club aims to raise students’ awareness of the importance of caring for the natural environment.

In his speech, Prof Dr Mohd Zulkefeli Mat Jusoh, Dean of the School of Pharmacy pointed out the devastating physical damage and the horrific effects on the victims caused by the nuclear weapons dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. While studying at the University of Hiroshima, Dr Zulkefeli frequently visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. He warned of the dangers of stockpiling nuclear weapons which are capable of destroying the earth and wiping out humanity. He also questioned the need to possess such dangerous weapons to gain an illusion of peace.

Following that was a speech by Mr Saravanan Muthiah, Head of Student Service Department of IMU. He pointed out that currently a lot of resources are being used negatively, such as a lot of money is used to build nuclear weapons instead of helping to lift poverty. He hoped the younger generations would make a change and create a better world.

Representing SGM were Mr Lok Chee Khong, Secretary-General of SGM and Joanne Foo, Head of SGM’s Corporate Affairs and Communications Department. In his speech, Mr Lok warned of the dangers of nuclear weapons and elaborated on Nichiren’s and SGI’s views of the hoe precious human lives are. He also spoke of second Soka Gakkai president Josei Toda’s stance against nuclear weapons and urged the audience to realise the true demonic nature of the weapons and change their way of thinking towards them.

After viewing the exhibition, Dr Zulkefeli applauded SGM’s effort in bringing this exhibition to Malaysia to aid in educating the younger generations. Also present at the ceremony were Dr Lipika Alok Chatterjee, Adviser to the IMU Eco Friends Club and Mr Steven Foong, President of the club.
