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More than one thousand gathered online at the National Youth Peace Assembly 2022
Learning about global issues and creative solutions for a better future


25 Sep. 2022


The National Youth Peace Assembly 2022

Themed “Be the Change: Creating a Hope-filled Future for All,” Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) Youth Division organised the National Youth Peace Assembly (NYPA) 2022 on September 25, gathering more than one thousand participants online to learn about global and local issues threatening humanity, and the various creative solutions to the challenges. The event also aimed to inspire and empower young people to take the lead in contributing to a peaceful and sustainable world where all can savour the joy of being alive.

In his welcoming remarks, SGM Peace Committee Advisor, Prof. Dato’ Dr Christopher Boey Chiong Meng spoke about living in a post-pandemic era filled with complex and interlocking challenges. He emphasised that the solidarity and joint efforts of youth throughout the world are of utmost importance and will serve as the basis for the global community to find a way out of the storm.

Student presenters sharing their research outcome and creative solutions (on Nuclear Weapons Abolition) Student presenters sharing their research outcome and creative solutions (on Economy of Hope and Dignity)

During the NYPA, some 14 college and university students were chosen to present their research outcome on the 4 themes of overcoming climate crisis, abolishing nuclear weapons, advancing education for all and building an economy that inspires hope and preserves dignity. Prior to the event, they participated in a peace exchange workshop in August where some 60 university students of diverse backgrounds came together to engage in dialogues and exchanges based on the above-mentioned themes highlighted in the annual peace proposal authored by Soka Gakkai International (SGI) President Daisaku titled, “Transforming Human History: The Light of Peace and Dignity.”

The event closed with a keynote address by Prof. Dato’ Seri (Dr.) Anwar Fazal, Founder and Chairperson of Penang Gandhi Peace Centre, where he intriguingly shared about the role and mission of youth as protagonists in creating a better future for all. In encouraging the youth to become shining stars that illuminate the future of humankind, he shared the qualities that youth should cultivate in terms of 5Cs: Conscience, Courage, Conviviality, Creativity and Competence.

Prof. Dato’ Seri (Dr.) Anwar Fazal delivering his keynote address
Prof. Dato’ Seri (Dr.) Anwar Fazal delivering his keynote address

He then reiterated the conviction that “everyone can be a change maker” and shared the key elements of the “power of one,” “power of many,” and “celebrating success together,” which are instrumental in driving people to start taking action for peace, spreading the ripples of change, and eventually, create a better world for all.

Other event highlights included a special presentation titled “We are the Torchbearers of Peace” by the members of SGM High School Division and a performance titled, “Solidarity” by members of SGM Culture Division.

Special Presentation— “We are the Torchbearers of Peace” by SGM High School Division members
Special Presentation— “We are the Torchbearers of Peace” by SGM High School Division members

Missed the National Youth Peace Assembly 2022? Watch it on Soka Gakkai Malaysia’s Facebook page

Press Contact : Koo Wei Qian
