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Junior Division PICs Training Workshop


21 May. 2023


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On 21 May, SGM organised a training workshop themed “Learning to Transform, Empowering the Young!” for junior division’s persons-in-charge (PICs) from Kuala Lumpur and the western region. Held at the SGM Culture Centre, 290 PICs attended the workshop.

As the main speakers, SGM junior division committee leader Tan Boon See and SGM junior division committee vice-leaders Irene Wong and Loh Shiaw Wah shared their insights on nurturing children and the key qualities needed to face future challenges.

Junior Division PICs Training Workshop         

Academic Director of Humanities at Soka International School Malaysia Chan Boon Jau talked about social and emotional learning as an educational method. Meanwhile, a registered and certified counselling psychologist in Malaysia, Wong Siew Lee shared with the PICs some self-care tips for them to walk on the path of kosen-rufu with greater joy and resilience.

The participants engaged in small group activities after lunch. They planned creative activities for youth division meetings based on the learning materials in Treasure Crown. Editor from SGM publications department Khoo Koon Hoe later introduced the columns in Treasure Crown.


Lastly, Hoe Mee Lin from Negeri Sembilan, Tai Loi Yoke from Kuala Lumpur and Teh Siew Bee from Selangor shared their experiences in fulfilling their missions being the PICs for junior division.

SGM vice-women’s division leader Tan Set Nee highlighted that PICs of junior division should focus on nurturing the next generation, as they are the key to building the future. She also emphasised that the best way to live is by educating the younger generation besides always making a fresh start.

Junior Division PICs Training Workshop

SDGs: Quality Education



