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SGM Selangor Hosts “Chinese Dream · Silk Road Connection” Exhibition


10 Dec. 2017


As an effort to introduce contemporary art of China and promote the beauty of Chinese culture, the “Chinese Dream · Silk Road Connection” exhibition was first exhibited at SGM Selangor Culture Centre. This event showcased the works of three artists from China and one from Malaysia. The participating artists from China were renowned rice-paper oil-painting artist Liang Zheng, calligrapher Wu Youyou and traditional gold-leaf painter Chen Xiaojun. They were joined by local contemporary painter Dato’ Tan Kah Choun. Over a hundred artworks were displayed, offering an aesthetic feast for visitors.

The opening ceremony was held on December 2 and SGM General Director Koh Sia Feai delivered the welcoming speech. The opening was officiated by Tan Sri Dato’ Lim Kuang Sia, President of the Klang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In his opening speech, Dato’ Lim stressed that culture is the spirit of a nation and race. The profoundness of Chinese culture, through the development of “One Belt One Road” and constant exchanges in art, culture and education will definitely strengthen the friendship between China and Malaysia.

Head of the Printing Art Department, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Prof Lee Yu Jun, echoing Dato’ Lim’s view, hoped that Chinese culture, with its thousands of years of history, together with the uniqueness of Malaysian culture, would elevate art and culture exchanges as well as strengthen the bond between China and Malaysia. The event received great response, attracting approximately 280 artists and art enthusiasts.

Following that, Wu conducted a live demonstration and created two pieces of calligraphies. The artists from both countries made us of this golden opportunity to interact and exchange ideas, learning from one another. Meanwhile, the SGM Selangor Culture Centre organised two sessions of art talks in conjunction with the exhibition. On December 3, Wu delivered a talk on “Inspiration Calligraphy” and on December 8, Chen gave a talk on the beauty of vocal music.

This event was made possible through the collaboration between SGM Selangor and Yi Xin Xuan Global Artwork Trading Centre. The exhibition was held from December 2 to 10, with close to 2,300 visitors viewing the exhibition.
