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SGM Negeri Sembilan Organises SoHA Exhibition


07 May. 2023


SGM Negeri Sembilan Organises SoHA ExhibitionSGM Negeri Sembilan organised the “Seeds of Hope and Action: Making the SDGs a Reality” (SoHA) Exhibition at its culture centre on 6 and 7 May. This effort was also in tandem with SGM’s focus on sustainable development especially in this year’s Run for Peace event.

In his opening speech, Seremban City Council Mayor Dato’ Masri Haji Razali said Seremban City Council has introduced “Strategic Plan 2021-2025” to turn Seremban into a sustainable and smart city.

Dato’ Masri added that the exhibition content served as a great educational material for the younger generation and hoped more non-governmental organisations would participate in similar activities while looking forward to collaborating with SGM Negeri Sembilan in the future.

Dato’ Masri and SGM Negeri Sembilan chairman Dato’ Chong Khin Sang later planted sunflower seeds, as a symbol of sowing the seeds of peace and sustainable development for the future.

SGM Negeri Sembilan Organises SoHA Exhibition         SGM Negeri Sembilan Organises SoHA Exhibition

The opening ceremony was graced by the presence of Mr Pow Kak Wei from the Negeri Sembilan State Education Department, the chairman of Negeri Sembilan Chinese Assembly Hall Mr Wong Keng Tong, Rahang Police Chief Inspector Mohd Hafiz Mohd Ismail, as well as school representatives.

In his speech, Dato’ Chong stressed on the interconnectedness between human beings and nature, highlighting that a sustainable future for humanity and society could only be achieved if we cherish and protect Earth.

The two-day exhibition attracted some 450 visitors who gave encouraging comments such as, “The exhibition introduced me to numerous great activists and I hope to contribute to Malaysia,” “The exhibition content could serve as material for future textbook, hence it deserves publicity in schools,” and “I am grateful to the narrators for their diligent and detailed explanations to this inspiring exhibition. I had a great visit.”

SDGs: Quality Education



