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SGM General Director and Women’s Division Leader Hold Online Study Sessions on the Challenge of Overcoming COVID-19


12 Apr. 2020


On April 12, 2020, SGM General Director Koh Sia Feai held an online study session themed “Overcoming the COVID-19 Disaster through the Power of the Mystic Law” to encourage members nationwide on overcoming the pandemic through cultivating a correct attitude.

In his study, Mr Koh spoke about realising the greater self as taught by Nichiren Buddhism, the importance of valuing life and the idea of global citizenship. He elaborated on the root causes and solutions to this global pandemic, and shared SGI President Daisaku Ikeda’s encouragement for SGI members worldwide. 

SGM General Director Koh Sia Feai SGM Women's Division Chief May Chan

He also said that through the power of the Mystic Law, the world will overcome this pandemic, thus creating “a world where everyone is happy and respects the dignity of life, a world of peace and security where people live and prosper together.”   

Later, in her speech, SGM women’s division leader May Chan discussed one of Soka Gakkai’s five eternal guidelines – “Faith for a Harmonious Family.” Over time, when people are staying at home together longer, it becomes increasingly important for members to practise faith for a harmonious family. She described the definition of “home” and shared with viewers how Mrs Kaneko Ikeda maintained a harmonious life through an attitude of not complaining and never forgetting to express her gratitude.

Perak Kuala Lumpur

Mdm Chan also stressed the importance of achieving human revolution, saying that in order to achieve a harmonious family, one should strive to be a bright, sunny presence at home besides enfolding family members in the light of compassion.

Many members were deeply encouraged by the study sessions, realising that they can overcome the current situation through earnestly practising Nichiren Buddhism. In total, the sessions received over 20,000 views. 
