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“Intercivilizational Dialogue Towards Peace, Harmonious Co-Existence And Sustainability” Symposium


23 Oct. 2012


The Centre for Civilizational Dialogue of University Malaya (CCDUM), Malaysia and The Institute of Oriental Philosophy (IOP), Japan are the main organizer of this symposium in collaboration with the Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) and the Department of National Unity and Integration (JPNIN).

The symposium, which will be held on 23 – 24 October 2012 will feature some of the most prominent thinkers as its speakers. The speakers are Prof Dr Syed Farid Alatas, Dr Yoichi Kawada, Prof Datin Dr Azizan Baharuddin, Dr Shuichi Yamamoto, Prof Dato’ Dr Ibrahim Ahmad Bajunid, Dr Hideyuki Matsumori, Prof Dato’ Dr Zaleha Kamaruddin, Dr Toshie Kurihara. They will adress issues of peace, environment, co-existence and gender.

There will be an MOU signing ceremony between the Centre for Civilizational Dialogue of University Malaya (CCDUM) and the Institute of Oriental Philosophy of Japan (IOP) which will be be witnessed by Tun Dr. Mahathir. The MoU is the first of its kind for IOP with any Malaysian institution.

The Symposium has been organized at a time when there is tension among the different communities and faith groups in many parts of the world. The conflicts are due to several reasons, the main one being the lack of understanding among the communities. As such, this Symposium is expected to be a landmark in bridging the differences among the various religious communities in Malaysia and other parts of the world.

The International and Corporate Relations Office (ICR) warmly invite all print and electronic media representatives to attend and cover the above mentioned symposium.

Source: International and Corporate Relations Office (ICR), University of Malaya
