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Celebrating Significant Milestones at SGM’s First Headquarters Leaders Conference 2024


26 May. 2024


The first SGM Headquarters Leaders Conference of 2024 took place at the SGM Culture Centre on 25 and 26 May, with some 850 leaders from across the nation attending. The conference also celebrated the 60th anniversary of Malaysian kosen-rufu this year and the 40th anniversary of SGM’s establishment on 15 June, in short, 6040.

SGM General Director Koh Sia Feai said that the significance of 6040 lies in inheriting the spirit of the past and transmitting it into the future. He stressed the importance of always remembering the contributions of pioneering seniors and continuing their endeavours.

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He called on everyone to embrace  the exemplary traditions established by their predecessors while forging a new  tradition of shakubuku excellence through strong unity. He also expressed his hope that everyone would embody  the mentor and disciple spirit exemplified by the first three presidents of Soka Gakkai, striving to become ultimate victors. 

The conference featured an introduction to  the history of kosen-rufu, as well as an experience-sharing session on fostering children to inherit faith in Nichiren Buddhism. Additionally,  an appreciation video was presented for the unsung heroes who contributed behind the scenes. Participants were also treated to exciting gymnastics, dance and song performances.

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SGM youth division leader Andrew Looi expressed strong determination to achieve the 8,000-youth shakubuku campaign by this year. Echoing his thoughts, SGM women’s division leader May Chan expressed her support for the youth division in achieving the shakubuku goal and encouraged women’s division members to expand the dialogue of hope. 

During the conference, the appointment of new leaders was announced, and half-yearly reports were presented. Additionally, it was announced that “The Lotus Sutra – A Message of Peace and Harmonious Coexistence” exhibition will return, starting in Kuala Lumpur in September and in Johor from October to December.

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